Welcome to Ecolution Africa!

This website aims to establish a platform where sustainable solutions for environmental challenges in sub-Saharan Africa are developed and shared. The focus is set on land use management that is led by an understanding of ecosystem functioning and the benefits local communities gain from ecosystems. Learn more about Ecolution Africa…

Our livelihoods fundamentally rely on the benefits we gain from ecosystems such as the supply of fresh water, the attenuation of extreme weather events (flood and heat control), nutrient cycling or recreational services. However, sufficient availability of ecosystem services cannot be taken for granted because this depends on the state of ecosystems. Since we are increasingly exploiting ecosystems all around the globe for our resource-hungry economic activities, we are facing sweeping environmental and ecological crises.

Promising approaches to deal with the challenges of global change are built on a profound understanding of ecosystems at regional and local levels. Learn more about why ecology matters …

Ecolution Africa launches with insights from East Africa, particularly Tanzania, but aims to focus on other regions in Africa as well. Learn more about the relevance of this diverse continent for an ecological reformation of the economic system …

Ecolution Africa provides information about past and ongoing research projects that focus on different aspects of ecosystem service-based land use management in Africa. So far three research projects from Tanzania are presented.

A major goal of this website is to develop future projects on sustainable and ecosystem service-based land use management in Africa. As a starting point a concept for a project in the Mkomazi Valley along the South Pare Mountains in Tanzania is presented (Ecolution Mkomazi).